Solving a set of equations that represents a circuit is straightforward, if not always easy. However, developing that set of equations is not so easy. SCAM (Symbolic Circuit Analysis in MatLab)是一个适合初学者学习电路的求解工具 MATLAB fileExchange 有另一个人写了ObjectSCAM ,用起来会更加方便 我们将通过Simscape建模,以及SCAM求解来 理解这些基本电路;最后如过可能 转化成hspice输入检查结果
Solving a Cicuit Model
- loop-current (or mesh) method
- node voltage (or nodal) method
- Modified Nodal Analysis
Node Voltage Method1
- Selective a reference node (usually ground).
- Name the remaining n-1 nodes and label a current through each passive element and each current source.
- Apply Kirchoff’s current law to each node not connected to a voltage source.
- Solve the system of n-1-m unknown voltages.
Mesh Current Method1
We will define a “mesh” as an open “window” in the schematic drawing. Note that this method requires some modification to work with “non-planar” circuits (non-planar circuits are those that cannot be drawn without wires that cross each other without touching).
- Define each mesh and its corresponding current. This is easiest with a consistent method, e.g. all unknown currents are clockwise, all know currents follow direction on current source.
- Apply Kirchoff’s voltage law to each loop not containing a current source.
- Solve the system of n-m unknown voltages.
Comparsion of Node Voltage Method & Mesh Current Method
made on the basis of the circuit at hand. Depend on the number of non-current meshs and independent nodes.
modified nodal analysis (MNA) method - SCAM adapted2
- Selective a reference node (usually ground) and name the remaining n-1 nodes. Also label currents through each current source.
- Assign a name to the current through each voltage source. We will use the convention that the current flows from the positive node to the negative node of the source.
- Apply Kirchoff’s current law to each node. We will take currents out of the node to be positive.
- Write an equation for the voltage each voltage source.Solve the system of n-1 unknowns.
MNA applied to a circuit with only passive elements (resistors) and independent current and voltage sources results in a matrix equation of the form:$\mathbf(Ax= z)$
For a circuit with n nodes and m independent voltage sources:
- The A matrix:
- is (n+m)×(n+m) in size, and consists only of known quantities.
- the n×n part of the matrix in the upper left:
- has only passive elements
- elements connected to ground appear only on the diagonal
- elements not connected to ground are both on the diagonal and off-diagonal terms.
- the rest of the A matrix (not included in the n×n upper left part) contains only 1, -1 and 0 (other values are possible if there are dependent current and voltage sources; I have not considered these cases. Consult Litovski if interested.)
- The x matrix:
- is an (n+m)×1 vector that holds the unknown quantities (node voltages and the currents through the independent voltage sources).
- the top n elements are the n node voltages.
- the bottom m elements represent the currents through the m independent voltage sources in the circuit.
- The z matrix:
- is an (n+m)×1 vector that holds only known quantities
- the top n elements are either zero or the sum and difference of independent current sources in the circuit.
- the bottom m elements represent the m independent voltage sources in the circuit. The circuit is solved by a simple matrix manipulation:$\mathbf{x = A^{-1}z}$
Algorithmic method for generating MNA (Modified Nodal Analysis) equations
Reactive Circuits and OpAmps3
Algorithmic method for generating modified nodal analysis (MNA) equations when the circuit has inductors, capacitors and/or operational amplifiers (op-amps).
Applying modified nodal analysis to circuits with inductors and capacitors presents no special difficulty if one uses the complex impedance of these elements.
$$ \begin{aligned} &Z_{R}=R \newline &Z_{L}=s L=j \omega L \newline &Z_{C}=\frac{1}{s C}=\frac{1}{j \omega C} \end{aligned} $$
MNA with Op Amps
Applying modified nodal analysis to circuits with ideal operational amplifiers (op- amps) is a bit more difficult.
The equation for the op-amp is not in terms of the voltage at its output, but rather it specifies that the two input terminals are at the same potential.
Treatment for Source!
V1 1 0 32
V2 3 0 20
R1 1 2 2
R2 2 3 4
R3 2 0 8
手解(Node Voltage Method)
Apply KCL $$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} i_{1}+i_{2} &=i_{3} \newline i_{1} &=\frac{v_{a}-v_{b}}{R_{1}}, \quad i_{2}=\frac{v_{c}-v_{b}}{R_{2}}, \quad i_{3}=\frac{v_{b}}{R_{3}} \newline v_{a} &=V_{1}, \quad v_{c}=V_{2} \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$
$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \frac{v_{a}-v_{b}}{R_{1}}+\frac{v_{c}-v_{b}}{R_{2}} &=\frac{v_{b}}{R_{3}} \newline \frac{V_{1}-v_{b}}{R_{1}}+\frac{V_{2}-v_{b}}{R_{2}} &=\frac{v_{b}}{R_{3}} \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$
we have $v_b = 24$
手解(Mesh Current Method)
Apply KVL
$$ \begin{aligned} &V_{1}-i_{1} R_{1}-\left(i_{1}-i_{2}\right) R_{3}=0 \newline &\left(i_{1}-i_{2}\right) R_{3}-i_{2} R_{2}-V_{2}=0 \end{aligned} $$
$$ \begin{array}{r} \left(R_{1}+R_{3}\right) i_{1}-R_{3} i_{2}=V_{1} \newline -R_{3} i_{1}+\left(R_{2}+R_{3}\right) i_{2}=V_{2} \end{array} $$
$$ \left[\begin{array}{cc} \left(R_{1}+R_{3}\right) & -R_{3} \newline -R_{3} & \left(R_{2}+R_{3}\right) \end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{l} i_{1} \newline i_{2} \end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{l} V_{1} \newline V_{2} \end{array}\right] $$ we have $i_1 = 4,i_2 =1$
手解(MNA)- adapted in SCAM
- Apply step 2 (currents through the voltage sources with current from positive node to negative node)
- Apply step 3 (with positive currents out of the node):
- Node 1: $i_{v 1}+\frac{v_{1}-v_{2}}{R_{1}}=0$
- Node 2: $\frac{v_{2}-v_{a}}{R_{1}}+\frac{v_{b}}{R_{3}}+\frac{v_{2}-v_{3}}{R_{2}}=0$
- Node 3: $i_{v 2}+\frac{v_{1}-v_{2}}{R_{2}}=0$
- Apply step 4:
- $v_1 = V_1$
- $v_3 = V_2$
- Apply step 5: $$ \left[\begin{array}{ccccc} \frac{1}{R_{1}} & -\frac{1}{R_{1}} & 0 & 1 & 0 \newline -\frac{1}{R_{1}} & \frac{1}{R_{1}}+\frac{1}{R_{2}}+\frac{1}{R_{3}} & -\frac{1}{R_{2}} & 0 & 0 \newline 0 & -\frac{1}{R_{2}} & \frac{1}{R_{2}} & 0 & 1 \newline 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \newline 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{c} v_{a} \newline v_{b} \newline v_{c} \newline i_{v 1} \newline i_{v 2} \end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{c} 0 \newline 0 \newline 0 \newline V 1 \newline V 2 \end{array}\right] $$
Solved by SCAM
I fixed a little bug when applying this class under the version MATALB R2022a.
1Cir_01 = ObjectSCAM;
2Cir_01 = Cir_01.create('example1.cir');
Cir_01 =
ObjectSCAM - 属性:
netlist: {5×4 cell}
R3: 8
V1: 32
R2: 4
I_V2: -(R1*V2 - R3*V1 + R3*V2)/(R1*R2 + R1*R3 + R2*R3)
v_2: (R3*(R1*V2 + R2*V1))/(R1*R2 + R1*R3 + R2*R3)
v_3: V2
I_V1: -(R2*V1 + R3*V1 - R3*V2)/(R1*R2 + R1*R3 + R2*R3)
v_1: V1
V2: 20
R1: 2
ans =
ans =
V1/2 - (R3*(R1*V2 + R2*V1))/(2*(R1*R2 + R1*R3 + R2*R3))
ans =
Example02 RLC
Example03 RCL with Op
Simulation in Hspice
G. Rizzoni and J. Kearns, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering (2022). ↩︎ ↩︎
Linear Circuit Analysis: Time Domain, Phasor and Laplace Transform Approaches, Oxford University Press , 2001. ↩︎
Litovski, V, Zwolinski, M, VLSI(Very large-scale integration) Circuit Simulation and Optimization, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997. Modified Nodal Analysis and Computer Simulation. ↩︎